We will work to keep this page as updated as possible. If your organization has a grant opportunity that might be a good fit for us to add, please email Melissa Anderson.
Climate-Smart Grants (CARAT) (Center for Dairy Excellence)
Are you looking to identify and implement climate-smart practices that will benefit your dairy operation? These Climate-Smart Grants are part of a CARAT Project conducted by The Pennsylvania State University and partners. Approximately 150 dairy farms will be approved through the pre-qualification process to work with a technical service provider to develop climate-smart plans for their operations, and up to 69 farms will receive funding for implementations of the strategies identified in the plan. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
> CARAT Information: https://www.centerfordairyexcellence.org/climate-smart-grants/
Dairy Decisions Consultants (DDC) Grants (Center for Dairy Excellence)
Are you looking to work one-on-one with consultants to help make decisions that will shape the future of your farm? Consultants can work with farms in one of seven key areas, including employee management, business and financial planning, direct marketing and more. Grants are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
> DDC information: https://www.centerfordairyexcellence.org/ddc
Dairy Excellence Grants (Center for Dairy Excellence)
Are you looking to improve cow comfort, milk production per cow, or efficiency on your dairy? The Dairy Excellence Grants support improvement projects on PA dairy operations. Applications for this competitive grant will be open from September 1 through November 1. If you are approved for the grant, you will receive a 50 percent match, up to a maximum matching level of $5,000.
> Dairy Excellence Grant information: https://www.centerfordairyexcellence.org/dairy-excellence-grants/
Transition / Transformation Team Grants (Center for Dairy Excellence)
Are you considering a major business transformation or looking to start the farm transition process? Using a team approach through a Transition or Transformation Team Grant can provide greater insight into your business’s decision-making process. Grants are available on a first-come, first-served basis,
> Transition/Transformation Team Grant information: https://www.centerfordairyexcellence.org/grants
Marketing & Branding Consulting Services Grants (Center for Dairy Excellence)
The Marketing & Branding Consultant Grants are a competitive grant available to value-added dairy businesses looking to build their brand, create a marketing plan, and identify appropriate strategies to increase product sales and consumer access. Open to dairy farms and small-scale dairy businesses in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey. Up to 9 grants will be awarded for up to $6,150 in funds for marketing & brand development assistance. Farms will receive up to $3,750 to work with a consultant and up to $2,400 for direct implementation of the consultant’s recommendations.
Application period runs: September 15— October 31, 2024. This is a competitive grant, so winning grant award recipients will be notified by November 15, 2024, with expenses/invoices due by June 15, 2025.
> Marketing and Branding Consulting Services Grant information: https://www.centerfordairyexcellence.org/marketing-branding-grant
Innovation in Dairy Processing and Packaging Grant (NE-DBIC)
New funding is available for research and development projects that support dairy processing innovation across the Northeast. With a focus on scalable and replicable alternatives to current industry standards, this grant will help processors make informed, long-term business decisions with positive environmental and economic impacts.
Projects funded through this grant must address at least one of the following primary goals: packaging initiatives, novel processing solutions, and/or increased collaboration. Projects may include innovation in sourcing, alternative production solutions, distribution and supply chain logistics, operations, and marketing. Awards will range from $75,000 to $350,000, requiring a 25% match. Total program funding is $1,500,000. The RFA will be released on August 27.
> Innovation in Dairy Processing & Packaging Grant information: https://nedairyinnovation.com/grants/dairy-processor-innovation-grant/
PA Farm Vitality Grant (PA Department of Agriculture)
The Farm Vitality Planning Grant Program helps fund professional services for those planning for the future of a farm—designed to enhance the long-term vitality of Pennsylvania’s farms through business planning, efficient transitions of ownership, strategic expansion, diversification of agricultural production, and building a team of financial and technical expertise as a resource for farmers.
> PA Farm Vitality Grant information: https://www.pa.gov/services/pda/apply-for-the-farm-vitality-grant.html
For energy-efficient pollution prevention equipment or processes, or natural resource protection projects:
DEP Small Business Advantage Grant Program (DEP)
- Who can apply: Pennsylvania for-profit small businesses, including farms, with 100 or fewer full-time employees.
- Grant amount: 50 percent match, up to a max of $7,000. Funding is available first come, first served.
- Example: Use SBAG funds to offset the purchase of an energy-efficient grain dryer.
- More info: Contact the Small Business Ombudsman Office at 717-772-5160 or visit www.dep.pa.gov/smallbusinessadvantagegrant
Agricultural Conservation Assistance Program (ACAP)
- Who can apply: Pennsylvania farmers
- Grant amount: Reimbursement grant based on approved, eligible technical and financial costs related to Best Management Practices (BMPs) on farms. Conservation districts will give priority to projects that meet specifications listed under “Guidelines & Uses” on the linked webpage below. Grants over $500,000 must be submitted to the State Conservation Commission for prior approval.
- Example: Vegetative buffer installation around cattle housing
- More Info: Contact your local conservation district or Pennsylvania State Conservation Commission ACAP Coordinator, Eric Cromer, at (223) 666-2556 for more information
Natural Resources Conservation Service Environmental Quality Incentives Program (NRCS)
- Who can apply: Farmers and ranchers who own or lease land for agricultural production.
- Funding amount: Cost-share amounts and practices vary from year to year but can cover up to 100% of approved, qualifying expenses. NRCS and EQIP offer producers technical and financial support by
- implementing structural, vegetative, and management practices. EQIP applications are ranked nationally to choose which contracts receive funding. Unless producers opt of an advanced payment option, producers will have to pay up front and be reimbursed after the practice certified and meets NRCS standards and specifications.
- Example: Producers receive assistance on pastureland renovation through EQIP.
- More info: Contact your local NRCS office or check out this fact sheet. Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP): Is EQIP Right for Me? (usda.gov)
For purchase or installation of renewable energy systems or energy-efficiency improvements:
Rural Energy for America Program (USDA)
- Who can apply: Agricultural producers and rural small businesses.
- Funding amount: Loan guarantees on loans up to 75 percent of total eligible project costs. Grants for up to 25 percent of total eligible project costs. Combined grant and loan guarantee funding up to 75 percent of total eligible project costs.
- Example: Use REAP funds to offset the costs of installing efficient irrigation pumps.
- More info: Contact USDA Rural Development or visit https://www.rd.usda.gov/pa
Ag Innovation Grant
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture recently launched the Agricultural Innovation Grant to help farmers and other agriculture businesses implement new agricultural technologies, conservation, and renewable energy innovations – expanding their potential to generate profits, enrich soil and water resources, and produce energy on the farm.
Applications must be submitted through the Single Application for Assistance online application system before 11:59 p.m. on November 15, 2024.
Eligible projects include-
A person or cooperative association who utilizes innovation:
- to improve energy efficiency, improve water quality, reduce water consumption, reduce odors, or address solid waste concerns.
- to improve production, processing, commercialization, or utilization of agricultural commodities.
- that produces energy from agricultural sources, including manure, food waste or biomass.
- equipment that provides low-carbon or no-carbon energy sources from agricultural commodities.
- technology that assists eligible applicants with the management of their farms, including diagnostic tools and services.
- technology that assists a packer, processor or cooperative in more efficient sorting, grading, or processing of agricultural commodities.
- that improves biosecurity or health of plants or animals.
- that supports cybersecurity or data analytics.
For more information, view the grant webpage on the PA Department of Agriculture website.