Educate Young People
Engaging children in learning about the dairy farm helps close the knowledge gap. Encouraging students to understand the role dairy plays in the commonwealth and to explore careers available in dairy is also essential to the future viability of our industry. The center offers two programs designed to educate and inspire an interest in dairy.
Discover Dairy is an engaging website with two complete lesson series that meet state educational standards for upper elementary and middle school levels students. The lessons show students how dairy farms contribute to animal care, milk quality, the environment, the economy and good nutrition. Farmer tools are available to help dairy farm families utilize the Discover Dairy resources and contact their local school districts to encourage their incorporation into the school curriculum. Learn More.
Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow is a piloted curriculum designed specifically to prepare high school students to work in the dairy industry. The curriculum is offered for use in the classroom either in an online class format or as hard copy material. Learn More.