The Center for Dairy Excellence is fortunate to have eight individuals employed who are passionate about dairy and seeing dairy farm families thrive in Pennsylvania. Keep reading to learn more about each staff member!
Learn About Each Staff Member:

Jayne Sebright, Executive Director
Jayne has been with the Center since September 2006. She graduated with highest distinction from Penn State and has 20 years’ of experience in strategic marketing and communications, holding positions with Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association & Land O’Lakes. Jayne and her husband Robby have a dairy and crop farm in East Berlin.
Favorite dairy product: Milkshakes in the evening and cheese on everything
Her “why” moment: Click here to read why Jayne is so passionate about Pennsylvania dairy.
Email: | Phone: 717-788-0293

Melissa Anderson, Dairy Programs and Operations Manager
Melissa began her role with the Center in April 2012 and oversees the Center’s On-Farm programs and operations. She has an associate’s degree in business administration from Harrisburg Area Community College and brings more than 30 years of experience in office management and operations to her role.
Favorite dairy product: Cheese — trying different pairings and combinations
Her “why” moment: Like others in the dairy industry today, I did not grow up on a dairy farm. My grandparents and uncles all farmed, and I was able to learn from them how important agriculture and farming is to everyone. My fondest memories were spending time with my grandmother feeding the cows and calves and working on the farm. She was a strong woman who taught me the importance of a good work ethic and to take care of others. Managing the Center’s On-Farm Resource Program allows me to carry on what my grandmother instilled in me and to help other farm families continue to do what they love.
Email: | Phone: 717-788-0296

Emily Barge, Communications and Marketing Manager
Emily joined the Center in April 2019 and oversees the marketing and communications strategies. A Central Pennsylvania native, Emily graduated from Bloomsburg University with a bachelor’s degree in English. She brings 8+ years of experience in copywriting, digital communications, and web strategy to the role.
Favorite dairy product: Whipped cream, cream in my coffee, ice cream (and cheese, of course)
Her “why” moment: I didn’t grow up in the dairy industry, but I have a lot of memories of spending summers with my grandpa on his small family farm. Agriculture was always a big part of our family, and he was my first introduction to farming. He embodied all the traits I’ve grown to appreciate about the dairy industry: strong work ethic, loyalty to family, neighbors and community, and a passion for the land and animals they care for. As Communications & Marketing Manager, I love being able to capture the unique stories of dairy farmers across Pennsylvania and bring people together through our resources, events, and communication channels.
Email: | Phone: 717-788-0300

Allen Hess, Customer Relations Specialist
Allen joined the Center in May 2023 and helps support dairy farmers and educators across the state. Allen graduated from Kaplan University with a degree in Criminal Justice and spent many years in the human service field. He spent the past 7 years working for Lanco-Pennland Dairy Cooperative before joining the team at the Center.
Favorite dairy product: Cheese. Who doesn’t love cheese?
His “why” moment: As a child growing up on my family’s farm, some of my fondest memories are being in the barn with the cows. I knew at a young age that cows and agriculture were going to be a big part of my life. When the opportunity to take a job in the dairy industry came along, I knew it was where I was supposed to be. I enjoy all things dairy cow related: showing, production, genetics and the people involved in the industry.
Email: | Phone: 717-788-0304

Valerie Mason-Faith, Risk Education Program Manager
Valerie graduated from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor’s degree in agricultural science and technology and a Master’s degree in business management. She brings 5+ years of experience in agricultural project and program coordination and management.
Favorite dairy product: Ice cream, hands down
Her “why” moment: My love for agriculture started at 9 years old when I bought my first 4-H project, a beef steer. Surrounded by a passionate and dedicated community, I instantly felt at home. I knew I had found where I belonged. From then on, I eagerly embraced every opportunity through my 4-H club, FFA chapter, and college. I’ve seen firsthand that agricultural pursuits are a labor of love in my hardworking, driven family and friends. These experiences and people taught me the true value of meaningful work. I’m passionate about supporting farmers and providing the resources they need to carry their legacies on.
Email: | Phone: 717-550-8720

Karen Purnell, Accounting Manager
Karen joined the Center in 2011 and oversees daily accounting administration. Graduating from Shippensburg University with an accounting degree in 1988, Karen spent eight years working in the accounting industry. She grew up in Belleville, Pennsylvania, surrounded by dairy farms.
Favorite dairy product: Ice cream
Her “why” moment: My mother grew up on a dairy farm in Huntingdon County that was operated by family for several generations and was later transitioned to her brother. I have great memories visiting my grandmother and uncle on this farm. I learned the dedication the dairy industry has for their land, animals, family and community. I’m excited to give back to this industry by sharing my knowledge and appreciation with others and by supporting the dairy producers with funding opportunities as the Accounting Manager with the Center for Dairy Excellence.
Email: | Phone: 717-788-0294

Michelle Shearer, Workforce Development Manager
Michelle joined the Center in 2020 to oversee the on-farm internship program, apprenticeship development, and youth development for high school students through the Foundation’s Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow curriculum. With 25 years in public education as both a teacher and administrator, Michelle graduated from Bloomsburg University with a bachelor’s degree in secondary mathematics education and from Bucknell University with a master’s degree in educational administration. She has promoted the dairy industry since age 12 as a Jersey owner, dairy princess and dairy promotion committee chairperson.
Favorite dairy product: Black cherry Greek yogurt, chocolate milk, extra sharp cheddar cheese, mint cookies and cream ice cream, and swiss cheese
Her “why” moment: I lived on my grandparents’ farm from when I was born until a junior in high school. I saw firsthand the hard work and dedication it takes to raise crops and cattle. In high school, our family chose to purchase a small dairy farm to pursue our love for showing registered Jerseys and producing quality milk for cheese. While I pursued my passion for teaching and learning, I am excited to blend my passions for education and the dairy industry with the Center for Dairy Excellence and the Dairy Excellence Foundation as the Workforce Development Manager.
Email: | Phone: 717-788-0298

Brittany Snyder, Dairy Education Program Manager
Brittany joined the Center in 2018 and oversees the youth development programs and Discover Dairy curriculum for the Dairy Excellence Foundation. She graduated from Delaware Valley University with a bachelor’s in agribusiness management. Brittany is a native from Berks County and served as the first alternate dairy princess on the 2016-2017 Pennsylvania State Royalty Team.
Favorite dairy product: Homemade vanilla ice cream with fresh peaches from my family’s orchard
Her “why” moment: I can still feel the mud squish between my toes after a rainstorm while I walked to the pasture with my dad to get the cows in to be milked. And the best kind of water battle was on a hot summer day when I was the first one to claim the hose in the milkhouse after we were done working with our 4-H animals. I feel incredibly blessed to have had the opportunity to grow up on a dairy farm, truly gaining an appreciation for how hard our PA dairy farmers work day after day to provide us with a wholesome, healthy product. Our PA dairy farmers are my why; they are why I get up and do what I do. They deserve the world, so I’ll give them all I can give.
Email: | Phone: 717-788-0297