Protecting Your Profits Resources
The Center for Dairy Excellence offers several informative resources to help producers identify opportunities to protect their profits. These documents are reviewed on a monthly basis, and you can utilize the following resources to stay up-to-date on dairy markets and risk management:
- Listen to the “Protecting Your Profits” Podcast
- Join the Monthly Webinar Series
- View State and National Dairy Industry Scorecards (see below)
- Subscribe to the weekly “Markets and Management Report” for updates on dairy markets and risk management
> Click here to access the latest “Protecting Your Profits” webinar and the latest podcast.
Want to receive a text alert from the Center when the “Protecting Your Profits” recording is released each month? Text “Sign up” to 717-585-0766 to receive a text alert each month. The text will include a link to access the recording.
“I think the ‘Protecting Your Profits’ webinars are very interesting and relevant. Getting facts and figures is one thing, but getting information as to why dairy futures markets are doing what they are doing was great. Sometimes we just barrel through our day with our head down, but we don’t look around to see what might be going on in other parts of the country or even in the world. The webinar helped me understand things better and maybe I can help a customer understand it better.” -Dan Smith, DairyOne
View state and national dairy industry scorecard data below. Click on the dropdown menu to evaluate industry trends and compare data on a monthly and yearly basis. Can’t find the dairy data you are looking for? Click here to access the full Pennsylvania Scorecard and click here for the full U.S. Scorecard.