With the recent confirmation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in California dairy herds, 14 states have been confirmed to have HPAI in dairy herds as of September 6, 2024. Although HPAI has not been identified in Pennsylvania dairy herds, it is important to protect our herds and our operations by remaining vigilant and using…
The National Safety Council always earmarks the third week in September as National Farm Safety and Health Week. The annual promotion was first an initiative by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944 to remind the farm community to prioritize safety. As farm equipment has gotten much larger and farm practices have gotten much more complex,…
July’s DMC Margin came in at $12.33 per hundredweight (cwt), up 67 cents from June. With July’s margin $2.83 above the $9.50 trigger, this makes the fifth consecutive month in program year 2024 where no DMC payments were issued at any coverage level.
Anyone tracking the U.S. dairy industry has undoubtedly heard of the ongoing process of changing the Federal Milk Marketing Orders (FMMO) system. After a year of consideration, 12,000 pages of testimony and 49 days of hearings, the USDA released their recommended decision for Federal Milk Marking Order updates at the beginning of July. The document…
For the first time in a while, we’re talking about strong milk prices AND weak feed costs! In fact, by USDA’s Dairy Margin Coverage math, current futures suggest October margins could hit the highest levels going back to 2014. But that’s just the math on paper. Though every farm’s financial picture is different, profitability should…
According to the US Labor Department’s latest report, the job economy is starting to get weaker. Hiring fell to 114,000 jobs in July, with the unemployment rate increasing to 4.3 percent, the highest since October 2021. Hourly wages are up 3.6 percent year-overyear, the smallest increase since May 2021. The average hourly earnings for all…
June’s DMC margin closed out at $11.66 per hundredweight (cwt), $2.16 per cwt. above the $9.50 coverage level. Like the previous three months, the margin remained high enough to not trigger indemnities. June’s margin jumped $1.14 from May’s margin of $10.52 per cwt. Looking back to program year 2023, there’s an $8.01 increase from June…
Looking at June’s NASS Cold Storage report, butter stocks, in all warehouses, came in at 373,546,000 pounds, which was down 2% month over month and up 7% year over year. From December 2023 to May 2024, butter stocks trended upward from 199,530,000 pounds to 379,750,000 pounds. June 2024 butter stocks were approximately 50% lower than…
The cycling of the seasons constantly brings on variations in the weather and activities on and off the farm. Along with this cycling of weather and activities come health and safety risks to keep in mind. In this article, I share practical information to keep everyone healthy and safe on the farm this summer.
If there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s that milk prices are volatile. And in recent years, that volatility has picked up steam. Though we are now several years removed from the COVID-19 pandemic, the extreme price movements that were a hallmark of 2020 and 2021 are still present in today’s markets. While the first half…