
May 20, 2022: Class IV Price Cooling Off?

Class IV milk price has increased month over month since Aug. 2021, surpassing Class III milk price in November 2021. For the third straight month, the April Class IV price, announced on May 4, set an all-time high at $25.31 per cwt. Since February, the spread between Class III and IV has been declining. The…

May 13, 2022: Early Spring Crop Progress

It seems to me that Southcentral Pennsylvania has been cooler this year than the previous three springs that I have been here. The latest USDA Crop Progress report published May 9 appears to  confirm my personal observations. Spring planting of corn and soybeans is well behind last year and the 5-year average (2017-2021). Only the…

May 6, 2022: Inflation

Inflation has been a common topic lately. It seems like every other article I see references inflation and is usually tied to rising food prices. During last week’s Protecting Your Profits webinar, Sam  Miller, Managing Director of Agriculture Banking at BMO Harris Bank, talked about what is currently driving inflation and how that is affecting…

April 29, 2022: April

The arrival of spring always initiates the Spring Flush each year. Although we are currently in the midst of the Spring Flush, total milk production across the country through March is declining  compared to last year. Due to several factors, milk futures prices seem to have stagnated or declined somewhat. As a result, Class III…

April 22, 20222: Butter

The amount of fat in the American diet and its effects on health have been hotly contested since the 1970s with fat from red meats to dairy products considered villains to healthy diets. However,  research conducted over the last decade or more has begun to paint a different picture. Current research shows that fat, including…

April 15, 2022: Heifer Inventory

There are many factors that influence dairy markets. Sometimes those factors are not as obvious as others. The most obvious factors, of course, are milk supply and demand. The most recent drastic example of this relationship was experienced in 2019 when the pandemic hit and virtually all food service was shut down, creating a huge…

April 8, 2022: Feed Prices Continue to Increase

Like it or not, we live in a world economy now, and what happens abroad affects and sometimes compounds what happens here at home. Most evident, currently, is the war happening in Ukraine. Ukraine is considered the breadbasket of Europe and historically provides about 12% of the world supply of wheat and 17% of the…

April 1, 2022: Safety First

Although it seems like it has reverted to winter this week, we are getting closer to spring harvest and planting season. Small grain fields are greening up and beginning to look lush, and some corn  fields I drive by have that telltale blackish color of recent manure application. It is a busy time of year…

March 25, 2022: March

Welcome to spring! There is warmth in the air with the smell of flowers and fresh earth to enjoy. In addition to the sights and smells of spring, my favorite spring sound is spring peepers in the  evenings. Milk price continues to heat up as we move into the spring as well. Class III and…

March 18, 2022: Last Push for DMC 2022

The deadline for 2022 Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) and Supplemental DMC is by the end of business on Friday, March 25, 2022 at your local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office. By the time this  reaches your mailbox, the deadline will be less than a week away. I was informed by the Pennsylvania state FSA office…