Click here to meet the 2024 on-farm interns, view highlights from their summer, and read their stories!

2024 On-Farm Internships

The Professional Dairy Managers of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association, and Center for Dairy Excellence Foundation of Pennsylvania offer $3,000 grants to students who participate in a 10-12 week on-farm internship program. This program provides on-farm learning experiences to the next generation of dairy professionals and managers in Pennsylvania.

To qualify for the internship:

  • Farms: may be located within or outside of Pennsylvania, but producers must agree to provide the intern with exposure to all aspects of a successful, progressive dairy operation. Read more about Farm Expectations.
  • Students: must attend a Pennsylvania university, a Pennsylvania resident attending an out-of-state school or a recently-graduated Pennsylvania resident with an interest in dairy production. Preference is given to upperclassmen undergraduates. Read more about Intern Expectations.

Click HERE for Online Student Application

Click HERE for Online Host Farm Application

For host farms who have participated in the past and want to apply again, please CLICK HERE to complete the shorter application form.

Have questions about the on-farm internship program? Contact Michelle Shearer.

Michelle Shearer
Workforce Development Manager for Dairy Excellence Foundation
Phone: 570-768-8316

Congratulations to our 2023 on-farm interns for a successful summer experience! Check out how this internship impacted their career goals:

Read more about their experiences:

Meet Mikayla, an On-Farm Intern Excited About Her Future as a Veterinarian

Meet Ryan, an On-Farm Intern Who Traveled 1,000+ Miles to Gain Experience on Minnesota Dairy Farm

Meet Cameron, an On-Farm Intern Gaining Experience on a Robotic Dairy

Meet Amanda, a College Senior Who Explored the Dairy Industry Through On-Farm Externship

Meet Rebecca, an On-Farm Intern with an Interest in Genetics

The internship was really enjoyable. It was fun to learn a lot of new things, especially with the herdsman. I think I am more well-rounded because I tried to get as many new skills under my belt as possible. I always tried to learn something new every day while I was there,

Kendal Jenkins, a 2022 on-farm intern who gained experience at Table Rock Farm

I feel like it’s important to get experience… the internship gives everyone a chance to figure out what they want to do and where they want to go in life.

Katelyn Taylor, a 2022 on-farm intern who gained experience at Schrack Farms

The internship is a great idea, especially if you’re looking to gain on-farm skills. The life lessons you’re learning about yourself and working with dairy cattle are important. The more experiences you can have on the farm just makes you more marketable and gives you more skills to better utilize your degree.

Katerina Coffman, a 2022 on-farm intern who gained experience at Brubaker Farms

The internship has helped me learn how to run things the proper way, management-wise, and get on-farm experience. I’ve grown up around dairy since I was little, so it has always been in my heart. I just want to continue with it.

Lily Fries, a 2020 on-farm intern who gained experience at Schrack Farms

For me, this internship has allowed me to get out of my comfort zone. I got to travel and go somewhere different. There’s nothing better. One of my favorite things is going to a new farm and seeing what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. Every single farm is different and has something new to offer. It’s a great way to go out and see how a dairy producer is doing it.

Dominic Mattilio, a 2020 on-farm intern who gained experience at Tauer Dairy

I want to go into some sort of consulting after I graduate. Since I don’t come from a dairy background, I wanted [this internship] to give me more experience working on a farm so I have more credibility and actual real-life experiences –not just a college education – when I go into consulting farmers.

Marie Bryant, a 2020 on-farm intern who gained experience at Hetrickdale Farm

Getting experience on the farm has been refreshing for me. It has opened my eyes to a lot of new concepts and ideas. I’ve been able to see people come through who have other careers in the dairy industry that I didn’t even think about before. Talking to them and making connections has been really helpful. I wouldn’t have gotten that without the internship.

Rebecca Burns, a 2020 on-farm intern who gained experience at McWilliams Farm

I’ve grown so much as a person just in the five weeks I’ve been at my internship. I’ve felt significantly more confident in myself and my abilities. I’m learning so many things, and it’s really amazing.

Stephanie Clouser, a 2020 on-farm intern who gained experience at Hameau Farms

I was hoping to gain more experience as to how a different farm operates because obviously every place is different. My main experiences have been at farms in Berks County, so I wanted to see more.

Paige Miller, a 2020 on-farm intern who gained experience at Kurtland Farms

I would encourage other students to do the internship. No matter what kind of job you want to pursue in the dairy industry, getting hands-on experience and understanding what’s happening on the farm level is pretty important and will help no matter what career path you take.

Drew Walton, a 2020 on-farm intern who gained experience at a Chester County dairy farm