Consumers today are more interested than ever before in their food: how it’s produced, its safety and wholesomeness, who is producing it and how animals are treated. The National Dairy FARM Program: Farmers Assuring Responsible Management works to set the highest standards when it comes to animal care, workplace settings, and environmental and antibiotic stewardship.
Open to all farms, milk processors and cooperatives, FARM helps ensure the success of the entire industry by demonstrating to our customers and consumers that U.S. dairy farmers are committed to producing the best milk with integrity.
As a dairy producer, FARM will work with you to provide comprehensive resources, ongoing training and other educational tools to assist in creating a culture of continuous improvement for animal care. To enroll your organization in FARM Animal Care, email dairyfarm@nmpf.org
View the following FARM resources related to animal care.
FARM Animal Care Evaluation Prep Guide
FARM Animal Care creates a framework and foundation for on-farm animal care. It creates a culture of continuous improvement and serves as a snapshot of farm management practices.
Pennsylvania Human Resources Legal Fact Sheet
This factsheet summarizes Pennsylvania state laws and regulations on a variety of human resource issues for dairy farms, including wages, paystubs, deductions, child labor, and more. It is not intended to provide legal advice. The factsheet is simply an overview of select issues with a high-level explanation of key requirements for each one, with links to more information and resources throughout the document.
FARM Animal Care Version 4 Manual
This Animal Care Reference Manual is an easy-to-use, comprehensive resource detailing animal care and management guidelines of the FARM Program. Best practices identified in the manual are not the only practices that can meet the identified guidelines. The application of some management practices may vary due to certain regional norms, weather or other conditions. Dairy farmers should work with their trusted advisors and management team members to develop appropriate management approaches to meet the identified guidelines.
Herd Health & Protocols
Find templates, draft documents and resources to assist in the development of a Herd Health Plan and animal care protocols. Download biosecurity signs and herd health plans in both English and Spanish.
Training Resources Library
View resources and aids to help with on-farm employee training and continuing education. Find in-depth resources on calf care, fitness to transport, herd health, stockmanship, and more.
FARM Employee Training Standards
The National FARM Program requires that any family or non-family employee have a record documenting training in stockmanship, calf care, non-ambulatory, euthanasia or fitness to transport.