No Crystal Balls Here

If you ever heard an economist share their forecast about where markets are heading, they typically use the phrase, “I don’t have a crystal ball.” Basically, that means they don’t really know what next year’s markets will bring. They can only look at the market fundamentals to see what factors could influence prices. Recently I…

Why Risk Management: Look at 2022

The August margin under USDA’s Dairy Margin Coverage Program was announced late last month at $8.08 per cwt. For those with DMC coverage at the maximum $9.50 level, that resulted in an indemnity payment of $1.42 per cwt. or about $1,116 for a million pounds of coverage. This was the first time in 2022 that…

Escaping Our Labels

Folks visiting your farm are often eager to leave behind a hat or something else with their label on it to remind you of their company and the services or products they offer. A label can either be positive or negative, depending on what it represents to the person wearing it and to the person…

On Different Perspectives

Last month I had the opportunity to sit in on the Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board’s Hearing where they gathered testimony regarding the over-order premium and what should be done with the premium structure going forward. Earlier in the summer the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture asked the PMMB to evaluate the over-order premium structure to ensure…

On “Supposed To”

My boys are mostly grown now, but when my oldest was seven years old, he and his brother were supposed to be playing in the yard while their dad was mixing feed. Instead, my son decided he wanted to go tell his dad something. So, he ran out to the feed alley directly behind the…

On Dairy Consumption Trends

For many families, August represents a season of transition. As soon as the calendar flips to this month, those with school-aged children start to think about heading back to school. Those students who play fall sports often start having two-a-day practices in the first week of August. Those who are in youth programs like 4-H…

Eat More Ice Cream

Did you know that National Ice Cream Day is on Sunday, July 17th? In 1984, a senator from Kentucky and a representative from Texas introduced a joint resolution proclaiming July as National Ice Cream Month and July 15 as National Ice Cream Day. The resolution unanimously passed in both the House and Senate, and President…

On Cultivating Strong Roots

In farming, so much of what we do is about investing in an uncertain future. That is especially true when you consider the planting season and all the steps we take to maximize the year’s harvest. We spend our winters going over equipment and making sure it is ready for the season to come. In…

What Dairy Can Learn from High Path AI

You don’t have to be involved in the poultry industry to see the havoc that High Path AI is causing within the Mid-Atlantic region and across the US right now. I first heard about High Path AI back in 2014 during the last outbreak, which led to 4 million birds in the Midwest region of…

A Delicate Balance

Opening your settlement check this month may feel better than it did a year ago. That is because milk prices are up significantly, with the April Class III milk price announced at $24.42 per hundredweight and the Class IV price announced at $25.31 per cwt. While milk futures for the next 12 months are a…