The Grants Help Support Value-Added Consulting and Direct Implementation
The Center for Dairy Excellence opened a competitive grant program for value-added dairy businesses looking to build their brand, create a marketing plan, and identify appropriate strategies to increase product sales and consumer access. Leveraging funds provided by the Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center, the Marketing and Branding Consulting Services Grants provide funding to work with consultants who have experience in the dairy value-added space and funding for direct implementation of the consultants’ recommendations.
“I was really excited about this marketing grant, because I believe our consultants really have their head around what it takes to interface with the consumer and improve on the look of an attractive brand to connect with the community,” said Kendra Nissley of Jubilee Dairy, LLC in Pennsylvania, a previous grant recipient. “I needed a fresh pair of eyes and people to say, ‘Did you try this?’ and maybe explain our logo, encourage us to try certain kinds of signage, and just give a fresh perspective. Marketing can often fall by the wayside.”
These are competitive grants available to dairy farms and small-scale dairy businesses in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey. Up to 9 grants will be awarded for up to $6,150 in funds for marketing and brand development assistance. Farms will receive up to $3,750 to work with a consultant and up to $2,400 for direct implementation of the consultant’s recommendations. The application period runs from September 15 through October 31, 2024.
“We always keep our eyes out for any kind of grant that can be financially beneficial like the Marketing and Branding grant. It’s really good to get outside perspective from someone who works in marketing, but also has some knowledge about the dairy side,” shared Brooks Long of Deliteful Dairy in Maryland who received the grant last year. “We struggle trying to figure where to put our marketing dollars, because things are so different now. Do you go social media, radio, podcasts or television? We wanted to get some new eyes on our situation and some new ideas.”
This is a competitive grant, so winning grant award recipients will be notified by November 15, 2024, with expenses/invoices due by June 15, 2025. Visit www.centerfordairyexcellence.org/marketing-branding-grant to apply for a grant. A $100 application fee is required but will be reimbursed if the application is not accepted.
“For marketing and advertising, the marketing grant afforded me so much knowledge that I just couldn’t get otherwise. For me, consulting grants are really about knowledge as much as money. It’s a chance to learn as much as you can and soak up as much advice from the experts. Otherwise, I would probably put certain projects on the back burner again,” said Amy Brickner of Destiny Dairy Bar in Pennsylvania, a previous grant recipient.
The Marketing and Branding Consulting Services Grant program is designed to provide financial assistance to help value-added dairy business owners access the private consulting resources they need to build their brand and to help cultivate our regional food economy, strengthen our regional dairy food processing capacity, improve consumer access to locally-produced foods, and create and improve economic opportunities for individual dairy producers and food businesses.
“When I was thinking about buying this business and figuring out if it was even an option for me, a few people recommended I talk to certain consultants. They were great, but I didn’t have that kind of money. It was a huge relief when I learned about this grant and the opportunity for Maryland farmers,” said Ariel Herrod of Clear Spring Creamery, a previous grant recipient. “Thanks to the grant, I could work with the consultants, and they helped me make decisions. I’ve had a better balance in my bank account. We ran some metrics to quantify how the [decisions] have impacted us. Based on items sold, we saw a 23% increase in revenue.”
To participate in the grant program, dairy farms or businesses must complete an application by October 31, 2024. Visit www.centerfordairyexcellence.org/marketing-branding-grants to apply online or download a printed application. Contact Melissa Anderson at manderson@centerfordairyexcellence.org at 717-788-0296 with questions.