The Next Dairy Industry Call Will Be Held on Wednesday, July 10 at 1 p.m. EST
The Center for Dairy Excellence will host the next Dairy Industry Conference Call on Wednesday, July 10 at 1 p.m. EST to provide updates on the rapidly evolving health situation with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) affecting dairy cattle in the United States. The conference calls are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. EST.
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) is encouraging all Pennsylvania dairies to enroll in a voluntary Lactating Dairy Cow Health Monitoring Program. This program will provide critical data on the health status of dairy cattle in Pennsylvania to ensure that the state remains free of HPAI. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) also announced that they will begin accepting applications on Monday, July 1 through its updated Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-raised Fish Program (ELAP) to provide financial assistance to eligible dairy producers who incur milk losses due to HPAI in their dairy herds. During the conference call on July 10, panelists from the Dept. of Agriculture and other state/federal organizations will answer questions about these programs and share additional updates on the health situation, Pennsylvania’s response, and what it means for farms.
The following individuals will join the discussion:
- Dr. Alex Hamberg, PDA State Veterinarian. He will provide an update on HPAI in dairy and discuss the surveillance program that PDA is encouraging farms to participate in.
- Dr. Michael Kornreich, USDA Veterinarian. He will provide information from USDA on how it is responding and what the epidemiology of the disease looks like.
- Dr. Kellie Hough, District Emergency Coordinator for PA and WV. She will share how farms can enroll in the Emergency Preparedness database.
- Cynthia Walters, USDA Farm Service Agency Dairy Programs Manager for Pennsylvania. She will talk through the USDA assistance available through FSA.
- Dr. Ernest Hovingh, PADLS and Penn State. He will discuss the testing process and protocols and share important biosecurity reminders on the farm.
Individuals who join the conference call will be able to ask real-time questions to each panelist. To ensure as many questions can be addressed as possible, questions can be submitted in advance of the call. Text 717-585-0766 to submit questions or email ctrdairyexcellence@gmail.com.
Learn more about how to join the conference call on July 10:
- Date: Wednesday, July 10 at 1 p.m. EST. Future conference calls will be held on the second Wednesday of every month.
- How to Join:
Dial +1 301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 841 2794 6647
Passcode: 833183
Click here to join the meeting via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84127946647?pwd=YlVINmM3U2dSVDBJTEUyd2tqSjcwZz09
- How to submit questions in advance: Text 717-585-0766 to submit questions or email ctrdairyexcellence@gmail.com.
The Center is continuing to work closely with the Penn State Dairy Extension Team, cooperatives and veterinarians to provide “Everyday Biosecurity Kits” to farmers upon request. To request an Everyday Biosecurity Kit at no cost, visit www.centerfordairyexcellence.org/biosecurity-kit or call the Center at 717-346-0849. More than 1,600 kits have been distributed to date.
As the dairy industry learns more about HPAI and how it is affecting dairy cattle, the Center for Dairy Excellence will continue to share updates from across the industry. Visit www.centerfordairyexcellence.org/hpai to listen to recordings and read recaps of previous conference calls. Visit www.centerfordairyexcellence.org/newsletter to sign up to receive email updates and get notified of future calls, news and resources.