Dairy Producers From Pennsylvania and All Other States Can Attend Dairy Summit at Discount
For dairy producers from Pennsylvania and beyond who are looking to find fusion across the dairy industry through networking, insight and inspiration, the Pennsylvania Dairy Summit is a nationally recognized conference for dairy farmers in all types of production. The 2023 event will take place on February 8 and 9 at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center in State College, Pa. Thanks to grants and support from the Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center, Center for Dairy Excellence, Professional Dairy Managers of PA, and Summit sponsors, registration fees for dairy producers from any state are set to be as affordable as possible. New this year, dairy producers from any state can attend the full, two-day Dairy Summit for $100, with one-day rates available for $50.
“The Dairy Summit is a really great experience. Not only were the speakers great [last year], but so was the interaction with other farmers. Even if we’re milking on different size operations, we could all communicate. I had several conversations about how we’re feeding, and that was the neat part,” said Jonas Fisher, a previous attendee and dairy producer from Lancaster County. “There were some speakers that were outside my box, but there were still plenty who were valuable for my size dairy. One of last year’s keynote speakers gave me the drive to be a better dairy farmer.”
Hosted by the Professional Dairy Managers of Pennsylvania and Center for Dairy Excellence, the 2023 Dairy Summit will include several featured speakers who will lead dynamic keynote sessions on real-time industry issues, including farm succession and family dynamics, what dairy can learn from the avian influenza pandemic, diversifying the family farm, change management, and multi-generational family businesses.
Several dairy producers from Pennsylvania and New York will also lead panel discussions and breakout sessions on topics focused on farm finances, herd management, diversification and more. The following sessions will feature dairy producers:
- Adding to Revenue With Diversification. Diversifying the family farm can not only strengthen dairy operations, but it can lead to future revenue streams. During this panel discussion, John Dickinson, Daryl Martin, and Corey Mellot will share their unique journeys, roadblocks they have encountered along the way, and the opportunities they have found with diversification.
- Evaluating ROI on New Tech Tools. Technology is continually evolving, but how do you know if the “latest and greatest” dairy tech tools are worth investing in? What’s the true return on investment? In this panel discussion, Greta Halahan, Ben Peckman, and Duane Stoltzfus will have an honest conversation about their firsthand experience with tools like activity monitors, precision farming technology, feed watchers and more.
- An Outsider’s Look Inside Your Business. Even professional athletes rely on coaches to assess their performance and advise them on how to up their game and achieve their peak performance. The same is true for dairy farming. This producer panel, including Dale Brown and Kate Kulp, has tapped a second set of experienced eyes to look at their operations and bring an outside perspective to improving their operations and enhancing profitability. They will share their personal experience on the best ways to stay open-minded when it comes to business coaching, consulting and mentoring.
- Breeding for Enhanced Profitability. By remaining laser-focused on breeding and genetics, many dairy producers are not only improving their herd’s performance but also enhancing their overall profitability. During this panel discussion, Harrison Hartman, Clint Burkholder, and Byron Graybeal will share how they are infusing breeding and genetics into their herd management decisions.
- Redirecting Your Business Plan for an Evolving Future. Developing a detailed business plan can help ensure your dairy business remains profitable, but a business plan isn’t something that can lay on the shelf. It’s a living and breathing document that must evolve alongside dairy businesses – whether you open a farm store, install robots, bring on the next generation, or enter the retail space. In this panel discussion, John Ess and Amy Brickner will share how they have used their business plan to grow their businesses.
Registration is now open for the 2023 event. For dairy producers from any state who want to take advantage of the discounts, visit www.padairysummit.org to register. Use the code “FUSION23” for each attendee who registers from the farm.
Contact the Pennsylvania Dairy Summit Business Office at 814-355-2467 or email info@padairysummit.org for more information.