Grants are available on a first-come, first-served basis. DDC Grant Applications (2024-25) Completed applications include a $100 application fee. After completing this form, you can submit the application fee via credit card or mail to: Center for Dairy Excellence | Attn: Melissa Anderson | 1140 Mountain View Road, Shermans Dale, PA 17090 *Note: The Center will provide grant funding up to $4,500. Program support is made possible through funding provided by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the PA Dairymen’s Association. All funding is subject to release of the current fiscal year funds. You will be notified of acceptance in the program upon receipt of this application and application fee. *Note: A W-9 is required before expense reimbursement will be made.Is at least 50% of your gross income from the farm?* Yes No Does your farm have commercial or retail milk sales?* Yes No Producer's First Name*Producer's Last Name*Farm Name*Address* Street Address City AlabamaAlaskaAmerican SamoaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaGuamHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthern Mariana IslandsOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaPuerto RicoRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahU.S. Virgin IslandsVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingArmed Forces AmericasArmed Forces EuropeArmed Forces Pacific State ZIP Code County*– Select –Adams CountyAllegheny CountyArmstrong CountyBeaver CountyBedford CountyBerks CountyBlair CountyBradford CountyBucks CountyButler CountyCambria CountyCameron CountyCarbon CountyCentre CountyChester CountyClarion CountyClearfield CountyClinton CountyColumbia CountyCrawford CountyCumberland CountyDauphin CountyDelaware CountyElk CountyErie CountyFayette CountyForest CountyFranklin CountyFulton CountyGreene CountyHuntingdon CountyIndiana CountyJefferson CountyJuniata CountyLackawanna CountyLancaster CountyLawrence CountyLebanon CountyLehigh CountyLuzerne CountyLycoming CountyMcKean CountyMercer CountyMifflin CountyMonroe CountyMontgomery CountyMontour CountyNorthampton CountyNorthumberland CountyPerry CountyPhiladelphia CountyPike CountyPotter CountySchuylkill CountySnyder CountySomerset CountySullivan CountySusquehanna CountyTioga CountyUnion CountyVenango CountyWarren CountyWashington CountyWayne CountyWestmoreland CountyWyoming CountyYork CountyEmail Address* Phone Number*How did you hear about this grant?*Who is your milk market or cooperative?*Please provide the following data for the current month:Total cows lactating & dry:*Number of heifers 12 months or older:*Number of heifers under 12 months:*Total pounds of milk shipped in the prior year:*Butterfat percentage:*Protein percentage: (See December’s settlement check, received in mid-January)*Operational information (check all that apply):* Tie stall Parlor Robotics Organic Grazing How many times are you milking per day?* 3 times 2 times Robotic milkers If you checked "robotic milkers," what do you average for number of milkings per day?DHIA Number:RAC Number: (Righthand corner of DHIA Report)Are you happy with your milk production numbers?* Yes No Would you like assistance with your milk production numbers?* Yes No Do you use TMR?* Yes No Check the Dairy Decisions Consultant service that fits your need the best:* Employee Management & Communication – Employee management is more than just ensuring that your employees are doing their job. It consists of procedures and strategies that can help you measure, monitor, and interact with the workforce that plays a huge role in your business. Business Planning & Structure – Business planning is a necessity to help manage volatility and create a roadmap for decision-making in all aspects of the business. Product Marketing & Labeling – Effective marketing and labeling of your branded dairy products can create a more positive impact on your customers and their purchasing decisions. Direct Marketing – Directly marketing products made from your milk to consumers can help a farm capture more revenues, but the processing and branded business can be complex. Animal Welfare – Veterinarian consultants will help farms establish animal welfare protocols related to the FARM Program as well as help train employees in FARM compliance. Financial – Financial management and planning can provide dairy farm families with professional consulting resources to help make decisions that will shape the future of their farm. Pre-Farm Transition – Business and financial feasibility for transitioning the farm and/or family issue projects to set the farm up for a transition team. What is the primary reason you are requesting this consulting grant?*What is the most important issue your farm will need in the next 2-5 years? (i.e., purchase a skid loader or tractor, transition, buy/sell farm, retire, value-added)*What are the THREE goals that you would like addressed with this consultation?*Preferred Dairy Decision Consultant:Choice 1To determine the consultant you would like to work with, refer to the list of approved consultants at or call 717-788-0296.Choice 2To determine the consultant you would like to work with, refer to the list of approved consultants at or call 717-788-0296.Signature/Consent* I agree to the following requirements.If approved, a DDC will commit to providing a comprehensive consultation with your farm. If not approved, your application fee will be reimbursed. The Center will provide grant funding up to $4,500. The grant is intended to cover the full cost of the DDC process in reviewing your farm operation and providing meaningful input on moving forward. However, if the cost of your specific need is greater than what is provided through the DDC grant, your consultant will request your approval prior to doing that additional work. DDC Grant Application Fee* Price: Foundation Donation Make a donation to the Dairy Excellence Foundation to support on-farm internships, scholarships, and dairy education curriculum for the next generation. Even $5 makes a difference. Foundation Donation Amount* Total $0.00 Mailing A Check I would like to mail a check Credit Card* Cardholder Name Card Details CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ