Last year, we had success asking Pennsylvania dairy farm families to share some of their own messages and moments that make life on the farm so rewarding this holiday season — and all year long. We enjoyed reading all of your moments of gratitude, moments of humility, moments of humor, and moments of struggle.

This December, we have more messages from PA dairy farmers to share with you! We’ll be sharing these messages and photos on social media and throughout the dairy farming community this holiday season. These are REAL messages from real families with real stories who are making a difference this December and all year long. Thanks for all you do!

Add your message to this page! Answer one of the following questions and submit it using the form below. You can also email your message to Emily Barge.

  • As a farmer, you work really hard. What puts a smile on your face when you’re heading in from the barn after a long day’s work?
  • What makes the holidays so special/unique as a dairy farm family that non-farming families might not get to experience?

2023 Holiday Moments & Messages From the Farm

Creating memories with family.

“What puts a smile on my face at the end of the day coming in from the barn is thinking of all the memories my son has made. Knowing he has an opportunity that a lot of kids don’t have and that he has a future in agriculture. A smile comes across his face every time we go to the barn, especially when he gets to ride in Big Birtha (9420 John Deere). The best moment during chopping haylage this season was hearing my little man say “Hi mamma, you’re doing a great job” over the CB while I was driving silage truck. The best moments on the farm is creating them with my little man.”

–Kaitlin, PA dairy farmer

The sound of a job well done.

“The satisfaction of having all the cows milked, the calves and steers and heifers fed is enough to put a smile on our faces. I love coming out to do chores and hearing the loud hungry bawls of hungry bovines, and then the absolute peace and quiet, except for the occasional clang of a gate, that means a job well done!”

–The Lehman’s, PA dairy farmers

The family farming lifestyle.

“What a blessing to work with family each day! Yet, that can be a difficult thing, too. We often take each other for granted and don’t treat family members with the same respect as we would others. But each day I am thankful that I see two out of three of my grown children and are a vital part of their lives every day! So, Merry Christmas to each hard-working farm family and may we remember what a blessing our lifestyle is, even on the hard days.”

–Amy, PA dairy farmer

A fresh, versatile product.

Here’s a holiday message that a PA dairy processor, Turner’s Dairy, shared with us!

“Happy Holidays from our family to yours! At Turner’s, we are committed to creating high quality products with the freshest ingredients possible. We couldn’t do that without the local, family dairy farms located right here in Western PA. Thank you to our farm partners for working tirelessly all year to provide us with the best raw ingredients, we couldn’t do it without you.”

–Turner’s Dairy

Submit Your Holiday Message (2023)

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  • Email if you have questions or run into any issues. Thanks!